
The MECANO consortium counts five hosting universities and eight partner institutions.

logos of MECANO universities in a row: Radboud University, University of Helsinki, KU Leuven, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, University of Leipzig

The hosting universities each host two PhD candidates.

  • Citations and quotations in the Naturalis Historia: creating the canon in the Encyclopaedia
  • The philosophical canon and the art of (mis)quoting Plato and Aristotle in the Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca

  • The Presence of Classics in Early Modern Book History
  • Ancient Sources on Matter in Late Medieval Commentaries on Aristotle

  • Detecting and Retrieving Lost Historians
  • Contextual scientometrics – Uncovering and understanding referencing patterns to the ancient canon in modern scholarly discourses

  • Recovering anonymous late-antique preachers in the corpus of pseudo-Augustinian sermons
  • A democratic turn? Uncovering and understanding referencing patterns to Greco-Roman canonicity in 20th-Century Public Discourse

  • Pulse and Physiology in Hellenistic Science
  • Syntax, formulaic structures, and canon-marking in Greek and Arabic: documentary texts and Galen

The partner institutions play an important role in the network by contributing to the training of doctoral students, hosting secondments, and supporting the outreach and visibility aspects of the project. We are glad to have on board two publishing houses (Brepols and Brill), two cultural organisations (STUK and Valkhof Museum), two research infrastructures (Thesaurus Linguae Latinae and Trismegistos+), a national library (Deutsche Nationalbibliothek) and a non-profit state IT company (CSC).

MECANO partner institutions are:

  • Brepols Publishers
  • Brill Publishers
  • CSC: IT Center for Science in Finland
  • Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
  • STUK: House for Dance, Image and Sound
  • Thesaurus Linguae Latinae (Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften)
  • Trismegistos+
  • Valkhof Museum